Exorex Moisturising Cream 100g


Exorex Moisturising Cream is a non-irritant moisturiser that is recommended for use alongside Exorex Lotion. 

Apply Exorex Moisturising Cream after your Exorex Lotion treatment to keep your skin soft and supple.  If you have lesions you can apply the Exorex Moisturising cream whenever they become dry or itchy.

Exorex Moisturising Cream is not a psoriasis treatment as it does not contain coal tar.  It is intended to complement Exorex Lotion as part of the Exorex Management System.
Apply Exorex Moisturising Cream to the body whenever necessary.
For external use only.
Colourant & fragrance free.

Exorex Moisturising Cream does not contain coal tar.
If you are treating your scalp, then you may wish to consider the Exorex Scalp Moisturiser.

Product code: EXO10J

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