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Veromax Instant Male x 12 Tablets
Arousal Performance Satisfaction


Wellman 50+ is a comprehensive nutritional formula developed to help maintain health in men aged 50 and above.  The tablets are ideal for those with an active lifestyle and unlike a general multivitamin, the nutrients and their levels have been carefully chosen to meet the needs of men in their 50s, 60s and beyond. 

Size: 30 tablets


Wellman has been developed to help maintain health in men of all ages.  It is ideal for those with a hectic lifestyle and is used by professional sportsmen to help them maintain optimal nutrient levels during training.  Unlike a general multivitamin the nutrient levels have been specifically formulated for men. 

Size: 30 tablets


Pharmaton tablets contain a balance combination of G115 concentrated Ginseng extract, vitamins and minerals.  To help during periods of exhaustion through stress, tiredness, or weakness and when you experience a lack of vitality.