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Cymex Cream For Cold Sores offers effective fast relief from cold sores and dry cracked lips and starts working from the moment you use it


Zovirax Cold Sore Cream is for the treatment of cold sores.  If your cold sore has already appeared then treatment with Zovirax Cold Sore Cream can speed up the healing process.


The Compeed Total Care Invisible Cold Sore Patch is the first clinically proven healing patch which is effective from the moment of application.  It is applied with a no-touch design, butterfly applicator which reduces the risk of cross contamination associated with touching the sore.

Size: 15 patches


Cymex Ultra is a new cold sore treatment.  Cymex Ultra, contains aciclovir 5% cream, a five day cold sore treatment, which can banish your cold sore, leaving your lips looking great again.

Size: 2g


Virasorb is an excellent value for money anti-viral cream, containing aciclovir, for the treatment of cold sores.

Size: 2g


Zovirax Cold Sore Cream is for the treatment of cold sores.  If your cold sore has already appeared then treatment with Zovirax Cold Sore Cream can speed up the healing process.

Size: 2g